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County of Humboldt 

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Admin Analyst 


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What does diversity, equity and inclusion

Look like in a modern workforce?

The Humboldt County Department of Human Resources is committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and creating a workplace that nurtures belongingness, promotes inclusion, and serves as an environment where staff are encouraged to bring their full-selves to work each day. 

  • Worked with Dr. Jeremy Michael Clark to develop Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives for the County of Humboldt.

  • Provided development assistance with Learning Corners (interactive education), Workforce Demographics and the Employee Engagement Survey (feedback and change catalyst opportunities).

  • Built campaigns and web presence for HR/OD/DEI and Workforce 2030.

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Anti-Hate Resolution

Co-Authored Humboldt's First!


Secured a Strategic Grant for the county!

ADA Accesibility

Designed materials for WCAG AA+ Compliance.

Web Slinger

Through training and hands-on experience, developed some of most advanced pages on the county's website.
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Employee Engagement

Workforce Demographics

Details tbd…
